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They got proper names them two init but everyone still call them by there tags what are everywhere on all them like stairwell and flats and playground round here – least where they aint been wash off yet or paint over. And they are Ruji-Babes and Foxy-T.
Both of them girl work up the E-Z Call phone shop and internet up Cannon Street Road. That is they switch on all the computer them and log on or whatever then switch on the network and get them phone meter running so like at whatever time you can see who is in like booth number two calling Russia or back home wherever and how much it cost. And they make sure theres all the main phone cards in stock init and then order new ones in when there running out or whatever. And like switch on the photocopier since man can get them copy there and all. And make sure its got all paper in it and that. And they probaly thought since the E-Z Call is owned by Ruji-Babes uncle whose been out in Bangladesh or wherever for some little while that theyd be sorted there for as long as they want init. Because people have always got to get on the internet for there emails and do photocopying or buy phone cards or phone there families to make sure that the money they sent over got there OK and shit like that. Well all of thats true init thats what people have fe do every day specially round here. But if Ruji-Babes and Foxy-T thought that mean they was sorted they was wrong. Because that aint the way it work out seen.
Ruji-Babes is real skinny and small and she look much younger than she is. That girl use to wear glasses I think when she was at school. Man can tell because her eyes always look a bit too small and a bit watery and a bit dark and dry around her eyelid them like if you got flu. Only now she have like contacts what she always lose or stick on the end of her finger and wave around when she talking and thats probaly because she think it look cool to do that like on Friends or whatever. And because the E-Z Call is own by her uncle she is like the manager really until he come back at some point. Which mean that she probaly does all the stuff like pay bills and that. And thats just as well because Foxy-T some time act a bit scatty and a bit of a feather brain what is just useless at that kind of business side of thing. And Ruji-Babes uncle is like a business man init deal with property all over and like import export and him let her take over the shop while him away because him look out for him own family but also because him a bit worry about her long term prospect or whatever because she always been a bit sickly. And even when she got contact lenses she still look like a little girl with no tits. She really flat chested that Ruji-Babes init but Foxy-T is not she got massive tits man. And Ruji-Babes uncle probaly think that no gangster gonna want to marry him little neice let alone a good business man what can look after her while him away so he better open up the E-Z Call so she got some kind a security and a place to live yeah up in the flat. And him probaly figure that since Ruji-Babes and Foxy-T is like good mates or whatever and they both smart girl they would make like a good team init. And that way Ruji-Babes uncle no have fe worry about him neice when him go away is it.
What is now known as E-Z Call use to be the Cannon Street Cars for a few year init but him never make a load a money out a that cab company so him like put up the rent fe get them out then when him decide fe invest in like the E-Z Call him rip out all them fitting and dump that old drink machine and stuff and probaly sold the radio and whatever or maybe they took it with them yeah. And then him got someone in fe put up all booths and run all the wires in and shit and redecorate.
Ruji-Babes already done Business Study at school init so she went up the Tower Hamlets Community College for some like NVQ in accountancy because him say she better do that before he gonna let her run the place for him and not because him no have no confidence in her fe do them type a thing already but more so him knowed that Ruji-Babes was gonna take thing serious init. So all while that work was being done in the shop yeah she done her course and then them two move in and they open up the shop and that. That flat upstairs need a bit of work and all init but he give them money fe redecorate and get all furniture and that what they went up Ikea for in Ruji-Babes cousin van. Then her uncle send some like plumber and that round fe fix up the kitchen and that so them two can enjoy thereselves and he can protect him investment cause the place look well nice if him ever want fe sell up. Once all these thing sorted and him see that thing was looking well safe and Ruji-Babes running things the way him want him went off Bangla or whatever well I know it was.
First of all when them girl took it over and once Ruji-Babes uncle gone back or whatever I think her grandad would come in and just sit in that big chair they got in there next to the desk or whatever and he probaly come in like most day. Ruji-Babes grandad was like part of the furniture himself init. He never live there cause him have a old people flat down Miles Court there. Man would see him a walk slow up Cannon Street Road with him stick in the mornings when you was going to school or whatever and fe true him keep a eye on thing init but that man no understand what type a thing them a deal with in that shop so he aint gonna do nothing is it except just be sitting there and listen to the radio. Not because him stupid or whatever just cause him old and live him life by them old way. And also him never in a very good way is it. I mean him ill seen. So even though him dress up that he want him dad fe keep a eye on them two girl Ruji-Babes uncle a probaly thinking the other way around init. And probaly he plan that this way the old man have something fe keep him occupy and also him figure that them two girl is gonna keep a eye on Ruji-Babes grandad and look after him a bit which is what they done like fetch him tea and him lunch and that. But like I say him ill init and man could hear him cough and that and he always be spitting on the pavement outside and him die after about a year. So he didnt come in and sit there and sing under him breath like he use to no more. And this meant they could put on decent music init instead of that other like traditional music and cricket what him would a listen to all day.
Not that they wasnt upset or nothing. Because believe me Ruji-Babes well upset and even Foxy-T was upset and they both miss him init only they was also a bit relieve seen since now they could talk about all kind of thing they couldnt of talk about before and also listen to them own kind a music like I say what is probaly better for like business and all and through Ruji-Babes knowed business she would a think about them thing. Aint that them two dont like them old type a music sometime but not all day is it. So after that it was just Ruji-Babes and Foxy-T in the shop except every now and then one of her cousin or whatever would drive up in him big beemer. Trust me everyone knowed Ruji-Babes cousin init through him use fe drive her uncle around on him business call only now her uncle gone back home then is him son what take over them type of runnings and man seen him around the area doing them thing like collect rent and tax off all them shop. When him come over E-Z Call one a them like him mate or whatever what was usually drive would stay outside in the car or whatever and the other one would go in and look through the books for like an hour and then stand up and shake his head an go, ‘Well Rooj I dont know how you done it man but this place certainly doing good business seen,’ and him count out some of the money out the safe yeah and go up the bank or whatever. Except normally that was Foxy-T job fe cash up and go up the HSBC on Commercial Road but only that bank now close down init and when this cousin or whatever would come around then it was his job. But if at least you can say well that way there was still some one keep a eye on things even when her grandad didnt do that no more.
They wasnt young them two is it. They must of been like twenty something because Ruji-Babes was in year nine up Mulberry even when my cousin Naz first went there and Naz marry now
and got a kid an shit and she live out Lakeside in Thurrock. But they wasnt too old neither. And them both well into it and figure this business suit them and they settle right into it believe me.
I dont know where Ruji-Babes uncle got all them computers from but they had quite good computer init what must have cost him. But him a business man init so him probaly know you have fe pay top dollar for quality PC with all windows 98 and shit. But also because him a business man him probaly also know what him want fe pay and how man can make money out a pay what them can rather than what them should. But even if him get them cheap or whatever they was alright them PC. There was also like a Canon copier init and Fax Service and all the top up cards. Like Vodafone and T-Mobile and BT Cellnet and Orange you name it man. Them have this colour copier and all when them first start up but it was shit man. Them copy always come out looking wrong and all the colour them was faded. So them make a call and aks someone fe come and take it away fe get repair or whatever and that was when Ruji-Babes grandad died I think around about that time and the colour copier never come back neither. So that mean them just have black and white copy and the internet and the phones and its OK yeah cause if anyone want colour copies like mainly restaurants or whatever fe put them menu in the window they go down Ekota Stationer because they got colour copying in there and a laminating machine and different colour paper and them do colour copy up to A3 and even if you want it bigger like A1 or whatever Ekota can do that in a week.
I dont think Ruji-Babes and Foxy-T even mind not having colour copies no more. Them not in competition with Ekota Stationer is it. Not many people ever come in and use even the black and white one is it. Most people just want fe use like the internet or the phones or by there top ups. Or sometimes man just come in an look at Foxy-T tits an try fe chat her up or aks her out even though we all think them two is gay. And I think they was probaly happy just having the internet and phones init because they wasnt out fe start a chain like them Snack Palace or whatever they was happy just having there E-Z Call and knowing that however many people would need to come in for there top ups and send there emails and that was probaly enough work just doing that. And that make it sound like Foxy-T was thick or something because I just said she got big tits and act like a feather brain but she wasnt thick at all man is it. And its Foxy-T what knowed about computers and that through she done computer study at the Keen Student Centre up Vallance Road cause even though Ruji-Babes good with them business side of thing she never knowed the first thing about computer and it was all like some big mystery to her init and the way them PC just break down and crash all the time make Ruji-Babes nervous like she afraid of them. But thats what this Foxy-T good at seen. Foxy-T can do all that stuff believe me and she know about all them thing more than most boys do probaly because she never play games or nothing like what all boys want to do mostly just play games init but she wasnt even into them games like you or me would be or like man would think most computer people would be always playing games or whatever. Cause Foxy-T she just like doing all the programming and figure out how it all work and make it even work better. And thats how they done everything what you need to do if your running a phone shop through share out the job them according to what them two is good at. And even though they look different and them two different kind of girl but they fit well with each other in that place believe me. And probaly none of us really knowed if they was gay or not is it but we just say that because Foxy-T woudnt ever go out with no one and we never seen her with like a boyfriend which is surprising yeah since she so fit though it aint so surprise with Ruji-Babes since she aint all that even though there someone for everyone init. And also we say they is gay because them live in the same flat and they wasnt married as well as they didnt have boyfriends or nothing like I say so thinking about it they probaly was gay init. Though fe true most a them people down this way never think about them type a thing. Least them never talk about them type a thing in the open. Cause most a them like shop keeper and whatever is rent there shop from Ruji-Babes uncle and borrow money off him for one thing. So they aint gonna aks too many question about him family is it. And also is enough for some a them type a man fe take that them two girl in business let alone think about whether them gay or not. But I reckon they is gay. But mainly like I say them girl just be left alone fe do them own thing seen. Also dress wise that Foxy-T always wear boy type clothes init like some trackie bottom and just a fleece or whatever like a polo shirt type of thing so if you wasnt really looking at her or whatever like out the corner a your eye she just look like some boy with her hair tie back or whatever. Least till she like turn round or whatever and then you see her big tits even with that fleece on. An if you seen her face youd know she werent just a boy is it. Because she got them big eyes with like long eye lash and a girlish way of looking at you like she was a bit shy or whatever. But also like she was laugh at you inside a bit and it make you feel like a fool or whatever sometime when she look at you like that like she know what your thinking. And if she concentrate like on them computer or something she have a way fe do this init where she untie her pony tail and shake out her hair and be like standing there on one foot with her hand clasp upon her head and just look at the computers and thinking and then sit back down and do whatever she figure out she have fe do. Trust me when she done that it make her tits look even bigger init. An she have that same kind of look on her face if she was looking at them PC like when she looking at you init like she smiling in secret even though she would probaly never like smile at you or laugh at you there was some way that you thought she might do that and if she did say something that would show she knowed what you was thinking just like she knowed what that computer might be doing and why its going wrong or whatever.
And they was always going wrong them PC believe me. But she must generally have thing under control because I never seen any of them computer missing like they been sent off fe repair. So like I say Foxy-T good with computer and keep it all running on that side of thing. But she have her funny ways init. Like stand on one foot with her hand clasp upon her head when she try fe figure something technical. And like she might have a particular way of switching them on in a certain order or whatever starting with the ones nearest the door or starting with the ones farthest away from the door or whatever. Or turning on the lights in them phone booth first and then like switch on that server or whatever and getting the network up and running before she done the photocopier and then like do the individual PC. I dont know which way she done it cause that type a thing is all before the E-Z Call open up in the morning init. But you know that probaly that girl have some kind a nack fe do them thing. But in spite of she had some kind of nack or whatever them PC was always going wrong and this aint cause Foxy-T was shit at computer just because thats what computers is like init. And if one of them went wrong then all them others would probaly crash init. There screens would freeze or whatever. Well when I say always I mean probaly once a day or something. And even if you wasnt using them PC at the time like if you just got there or whatever man could always tell when they was start fe go wrong like that cause she just be standing there in the middle a the E-Z Call on one leg or whatever with her hand clasp upon her head and staring into space like she a look at them call charge and tariff what they got stuck up on the wall in them shops. And man would just be turn round where them sit and look at her tits and keep them finger cross that she a go fix it but believe me them no mind wait five minutes is it. And at time like that you never want fe disturb Foxy-T is it. And even if Ruji-Babes would say something like, ‘T what you think we should do about this, girl?’ or aks her if she want a coffee or whatever then Foxy-T just wave her hand as if to say like, ‘Dont talk to me now man I’m thinking init.’ Then after a while she would probaly try whatever it was she been a think about and it would generally get everything back up again and hopefully no one what was working on the computer would lose there like work what they been sitting there for the past couple of hour and doing for like £3 or
whatever. But then the next day something else would go wrong init. And thats just the way it go with computers seen. Man can sort them out for a bit but there like anything you have fe always be look after them type a thing like animal or whatever. Them thing dont just run on there own is it. You have fe look after them all the time init. You got to reboot them or start them up again with there software CD and check the cables aint come loose or nothing like general wear and tear. And you have fe dust them and all init because if you got the door open like in the summer then all that black dust come in the shop and its like attract to them through magnetic or whatever and them PC get right filthy init and that black dust all get suck up inside there workings. And none of that stuff last for ever is it. You have fe replace this bit and that bit when them wear out or like some customer spill him drink on the keyboard. Then you have fe get a upgrade or whatever when some new version of Windows come out and read them manuals and shit and remember whats so different about this new software and whats the same as on the old software. Trust me is a lot of work doing all that seen. It aint just switch them PC on in the morning and remembering fe switch them off at night. Though obviously you must have fe do that and also make sure them phone meter get save on the back up init so you aint lose all them figures about who a call where and when them do it so that Ruji-Babes can do the books and work out what it all cost and how much them owe like the phone company and how much them get fe keep. Listen man is just like selling anything init. Them proabaly get them phone call cheap and like sell them a bit more expensive than that but still make it sound cheap compare with all them other call shop. And because Ruji-Babes good at business side of thing and Foxy-T good at deal with them computer and that this is how them make there living seen.